» » The Kazakh PEN club has chosen a new leader, Tengrinews.kz reports

The Kazakh PEN club has chosen a new leader, Tengrinews.kz reports

The Kazakh PEN club has chosen a new leader, Tengrinews.kz reports

The Kazakh PEN club has chosen a new leader, Tengrinews.kz reports.

Bigeldy Gabdullin, the well-known publicist, has become the president of the Kazakh PEN club.

Writers from Russia and France attended the meeting where on a new post Gabdullin has replaced the founder of the Kazakh PEN club – Abdizhamil Nurpeisov – the classic of Kazakh literature, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, author of the trilogy "Blood and Sweat".

Nurpeisov led the association for more than 20 years. The Kazak PEN club is a member of the PEN International (known as International PEN until 2010), a worldwide public association of writers, poets and journalists founded in London in 1921 to promote friendship and intellectual co-operation among writers everywhere. "I believe that my first task is not only agitation and propaganda of the Kazakh literature in the world, but also its support. As you know, literature has no borders; even during and in times of military conflicts, literature should unite people. I am pleased that our well-known writers and colleagues who help Kazakh literature to become famous have arrived from the US, France and Russia. This is the great merit of the former President Abdizhamil Nurpeisov," said the new President of the Kazakh PEN club.

Bigeldy Gabdullin is the author of such books as "Serious Conversation" and "The Great Resettlement". He also actively engaged in translation. For foreign readers Gabdullin adapted such books of Kazakh writers as "Land of the Fathers"of Kabdesh Zhumadilov and "Secrets of Sengir" of Khadzhimurat Rakhimov. The new president of the Kazakh PEN club is a laureate of the President's Prize in the field of journalism, has the orders "Kurmet" and "Parasat", and was awarded the prize of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and Russia. In 2012, Gabdullin received a medal named after Mukhtar Auezov for the book "The Great Resettlement", which has become a bestseller in Kazakhstan.

Подробнее: https://tengrinews.kz/books/kazahskiy-pen-klub-vyibral-novogo-rukovoditelya-247180/
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